Monday, December 31, 2007

Now I've Seen Everything....

William Shatner - shaman? on World of Warcraft?? WHEN does he find TIME!?! (I mean, between BOSTON LEGAL & the never-ending Priceline Negotiator Commercials, how does he manage to fit in hurling lightning bolts online?...)

These World of Warcraft ads remind me vaguely of the recent GEICO commercials - using B-level (or sometimes even C- and D-level!) actors/celebs that seem to belong more in a "Where are They Now" show than on an advertisement for an already hot product. (Wonder if the actors are paying to be in them instead of the other way around to boost flagging careers? Hmmmm.) I mean, Mr T as a Night Elf Warrior (with a Mohawk) or Verne Troyer as a WoW 'master of the arcane'? Does knowing that make you want to run out and join the other 9 million players or just go back and watch old reruns of A-Team or the Austin Powers movies?

Now, if someone like Michael T Weiss, Russell Crowe, Gerard Butler, Angelina Jolie, or Johnny Depp said on a commercial that they were playing the game, I'd probably be on World of Warcraft 24/7! LOL

But for now, I guess we'll just have to be satisfied trying to whip Captain Kirk's, I mean, the shaman's butt, online for now.

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